

Issue #61: Tulip* Friday, April 12th, 2013

Python's magical self (concentricsky.com)
Python's self , some hate it, some misunderstand it and some just done care. In this post the author explains Python’s self argument and how it works with illustrative examples.


Issue #62: WORK Friday, April 19th, 2013

Python's Magical Self p.2: Rebuild Everything (concentricsky.com)
Last week we had part one of this series. Read on for part 2 about Python’s self argument.


Issue #62: Two Scoops of Django Friday, April 26th, 2013

Python Number Conversion Chart (github.com)
This is a great reminder and reference if you are doing things like hex strings into binary data or converting hex strings to integers, etc. Check it out.


另外,这一期的题目写错了,应该是issue 63

Issue #64: Over 9000! Friday, May 3rd, 2013

Why Tuples? (blogspot.ca)
Talks about the uses of tuples, and why they should be used and when.


Creating Map Visualizations in <10 lines of Python (github.io)
This is pretty incredible blog post with the creator of vincent, which allows him to quickly create map visualizations.


Recognizing Numbers (johndcook.com)
Pretty cool library in SymPy, called nsimplify, which simplifies/recognizes mathematical expressions, very cool.



Issue #65: Enums Friday, May 10th, 2013

I've found my niche and I'd like to build a Python career on it. (reddit.com)


Issue #66: Release Therapy Friday, May 17th, 2013

Macros in Python (github.com)
Interesting article on the creation of macros in python, and how class creation for the most part could be simplified greatly. Excellent examples to be found after the jump.


Issue #67: Redux Friday, May 24th, 2013

Segmenting Images In Parallel With Python & Jug (wordpress.com)


Issue #68: Submit Friday, May 31st, 2013

A look at some of Python's useful itertools. (github.io)
This article covers must know itertools, quite awesome article for those wanting to jump in or a quick refresher.


Issue #69: Air Friday, June 7th, 2013


Python one liners (curiousvenn.com)
A list of well known Python one liners, give it a look. I always find something new.

Python中常用的一行命令 python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Issue #70: Glass Friday, June 14th, 2013

Content-based image classification in Python (yhathq.com)
Extremely interesting classification problem with nicely fleshed out walkthrough!

