

Issue #461 Python Turns 30, Concurrency is Tricky, You Should Upgrade pip, and More Feb. 23, 2021


Python Concurrency: The Tricky Bits
An exploration of threads, processes, and coroutines in Python, with interesting examples that illuminate the differences between each. HAMEL HUSAIN



Happy Birthday, Python, You’re 30 Years Old This Week!
Via interviews with Armin Ronacher, Brett Cannon, and Ewa Jodloski, this piece of technical journalism takes a look at where Python has been, where it is, and where it is going. THOMAS CLABURN



Abstract Syntax Trees in Python
Learn about abstract syntax trees (ASTs), some of their use cases, and how to use the ast module in the Python standard library. ALESSANDRO FINAMORE • Shared by Bob Belderbos



Issue #462 SemVer Won't Save You, Python Flies on Mars, Automated TPS Reports, and More March 2, 2021



In Python’s near future, indexing may support keyword arguments
For example, you could do matrix[row=20, col=40]. Read more about it in PEP 637. RAYMOND HETTINGER

https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0637/ 感觉Python逐渐秀起来了


arrow: Better Dates and Times for Python

7K star嘛 这么秀

Issue #463 Poison Packages on PyPI, Python Synthesizers, Monoliths to Managed Architecture, and More March 9, 2021


Poison Packages: User Hits Python Community With 4000 Fake Modules
Recently, a PyPI user going by the name “Remind Supply Chain Risks” uploaded nearly 4000 fake modules to the index, many of which were named as common misspellings of popular packages. Learn about the incident in this article, and read all the way to the end for four tips every Python developer should follow. PAUL DUCKLIN


PEP 621 Is Final
In the near future, you’ll be able to store project metadata in pyproject.toml. PYTHON.ORG

有点意思,看到了dependencies ,以后是不是就不用requirement.txt了



Consuming APIs With Python and Building Microservices With gRPC
Have you wanted to get your Python code to consume data from web-based APIs? Maybe you’ve dabbled with the requests package, but you don’t know what steps to take next. This week on the show, David Amos is back, and he’s brought another batch of PyCoder’s Weekly articles and projects. REAL PYTHON PODCAST



Alternative Syntax for Python’s lambda?
Some discussion crept up this week among core developers about adding an arrow operator for simplifying lambda functions. No plans have been made yet for a PEP, but some developers acknowledged some benefits of the idea. JAKE EDGE


Issue #464 Pythonic Pattern Matching, PyQt vs. PySide, Speeding Up Pandas, and More March 16, 2021


Pattern Matching Tutorial for Pythonic Code
Structural pattern matching is coming in Python 3.10. This article explores how to use it to write Pythonic code by searching for some of the best use cases for the match statement. Keep in mind that match is still in alpha, so, while unlikely, some things may still change before the final version of 3.10 is released. RODRIGO GIRÃO SERRÃO • Shared by Rodrigo Girão Serrão



seek方法,还有一个专门的库就很秀 https://github.com/RobinNil/file_read_backwards

Issue #465 Python Testing Style Guide, Performance Management, Pygame Asteroids Clone, and More March 23, 2021


Python Testing Style Guide
Need a quick yet thorough guide to testing? This excellent resource is for you. STARGIRL FLOWERS



SQLAlchemy 1.4.0 Released
Patch versions 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 are also now available. SQLALCHEMY.ORG



If You Use Python, When Do You Plan to Adopt Mypy for Type Checking?
In a recent Twitter poll, 45% of respondents said they already use Mypy, while 40% say they never plan to use it. TWITTER.COM/GLYPH

Issue #466 Full-Text Search in 150 Lines, OrderedDict vs. dict, Checking on the Suez Canal, and More March 30, 2021


Building a Full-Text Search Engine in 150 Lines of Python Code
Go from data preparation to search engine in just a few lines of Python. BART DE GOEDE

mark一下 没看


OrderedDict vs dict in Python: The Right Tool for the Job
In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn what Python’s OrderedDict is and how to use it in your code. You’ll also learn about the main differences between regular dictionaries and ordered dictionaries. REAL PYTHON



All the Important Features and Changes in Python 3.10
Python 3.10 is slated to be released in October of this year. Read about some of the features and changes you can expect to see. MARTIN HEINZ • Shared by Martin Heinz



hpy: A Better C API for Python

Issue #467 Buying a House With Python, OOP in Python vs. Java, What is Werkzeug, and More April 6, 2021


Python 3.9.4 Hotfix Is Now Available
Python 3.9.3 has been recalled and a new hotfix released. All users are encouraged to upgrade. See the announcement for more information. CPYTHON DEV BLOG



The Weird Walrus
Python 3.8 introduced the world to the “walrus” operator, which is a colloquial term for the := operator used in the new assignment expressions. The expression a := 2 does two things: it assigns the value 2 to the name a and then returns the value 2. There’s something a little weird with assignment expressions, though. Try to execute a := 2 in a REPL and you’ll get a SyntaxError. But wrap the expression in parentheses (a := 2) and everything works like a charm. What? Why? ARPIT BHAYANI




Datetime Changes in Python 4.0
Have you heard about the newest backward-incompatible change planned for Python 4? Well, if you haven’t, you’ll want to get the inside scoop by reading what the core development team has planned for the datetime module. (And, as a side note, you might want to check the publication date after you’ve read the article and studied the PEP.) TOMASZ WESOŁOWSKI


Issue #468 Python Types in the Wild, Making Packages in 2021, How to Contribute to Python, and More April 13, 2021


Python 3 Types in the Wild: A Tale of Two Type Systems
This academic paper from researchers at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and IBM TJ Watson Research Center examines the MyPy and PyType tools and explores how Python developers use type annotations. The researchers collected over 70,000 Python GitHub repositories and found that only 2,678 had Python 3-style type annotations, most of which fail to type-check with either of the two tools. The paper’s third section is quite accessible and has a lot of interesting analysis. INGKARAT RAK-AMMOUTKIY ET AL.



Start Contributing to Python: Your First Steps
In this quick introduction, you’ll see how you can take your first steps toward contributing to Python. You’ll discover various ways you can contribute and get to know some of the resources that will help you along the way. REAL PYTHON

官网有dev guide的



PyCharm 2021.1 Is Out!
This release includes faster indexing, enhanced WSL 2 support, and an exciting new collaboration tool called Code With Me. JETBRAINS.COM • Shared by Bartosz Zaczyński



PyPy v7.3.4 Released
This release includes two interpreters supporting the syntaxes for Python 2.7 and 3.7. PYPY.ORG


Issue #469 Level Up Your Python by Reading Code, Need-to-Know Django Template Tags, Python Music Theory, and More April 20, 2021


Learn by Reading Code: Python Standard Library Design Decisions Explained
Along your Python learning journey, someone may have told you that a great way to level up your skills is to read code written by other people. That’s definitely true, but it’s not easy to find good sources of code to read and study. Python offers some advantages here because not only is the code open source, but the discussion surrounding design decisions is public, too. ADRIAN



Python 3.10 Will Include Improved Error Messages
If you mistype an attribute name, you’ll get suggestions from existing attributes! TWITTER.COM/PYBLOGSAL



OrderedDict vs dict and Object Oriented Programming in Python vs Java
Are you looking for a bit of order when working with dictionaries in Python? Are you aware that the Python dict has changed over the last several versions and now keeps items in order? Could you learn more about object-oriented programming in Python by comparing it to another language? Find out more in this week’s installment of the Real Python Podcast. REAL PYTHON PODCAST



simplematch: Minimal, Super Readable String Pattern Matching
GITHUB.COM/TFELDMANN • Shared by Thomas Feldmann

Issue #470 The Social Contract of Open Source, Python's map() Function, Incrementally Teaching Python with Hedy, and More April 27, 2021


PEP 563 Default String-Based Type Annotations Delayed Until Python 3.11
The Python steering council has decided to roll back changes that made PEP 563’s string-based type annotations the default in Python 3.10. The PEP’s default change is now slated to roll out in Python 3.11. PYTHON.ORG



For-Else: A Weird but Useful Feature in Python
Python for loops have an unusual feature: they support an else block that only executes if there is no break in the loop. The pattern isn’t used very often with the argument against it being that it is a bit weird and potentially difficult to understand. But there may be times when for/else makes sense. This article presents three situations where for/else is useful and argues that, in these situations, the pattern makes the code more readable. YANG ZHOU

