

Issue #451 Bitwise Operators, mypy Exhaustiveness Checking, Job Scheduling, and More Dec. 15, 2020


Exhaustiveness Checking With mypy
What if mypy could warn you about possible problems at “compile time”? In this article, you’ll learn a little trick to get mypy to fail when a value in an enumeration type is left unhandled. HAKI BENITA



Speed Up Python With Concurrency
Learn what concurrency means in Python and why you might want to use it. You’ll see a simple, non-concurrent approach and then look into why you’d want threading, asyncio, or multiprocessing. REAL PYTHON COURSE


Issue #452 Python Pickles, Chess From Scratch, Python Speed, and More Dec. 22, 2020


Python Software Foundation 2020 Fundraiser
“COVID-19 has changed all aspects of our lives and is reshaping our future. Nonprofits like the PSF are having to rebuild. With PyCon 2020 and 2021 happening virtually, the PSF is faced with potentially losing $1.2 million USD of expected revenue for those two years. This fundraiser is critically important and the money raised will help the PSF support the tools and initiatives that Pythonistas use everyday.” PYTHON.ORG



Issue #453 10 Million Jupyter Notebooks, Python on GPUs, Unravelling Boolean Operators, and More Dec. 29, 2020


Accelerating Python on GPUs With nvc++ and Cython
Python on GPUs has become a big topic for processing big data and scientific computing. In this article from the NVIDIA Developer Blog, you’ll learn how to leverage C++ in Python using Cython and the nvc++ library. There’s even a real-world example that illustrates the Jacobi method to solve a heat equation. ASHWIN SRINATH

直接上Cython 有点秀。不过这个测试用的cpu是a100就惊了


Top 10 Python Libraries of 2020 You Should Know About
This listicle is full of Python projects that you really should know about! Each library on the lists was launched or popularized in 2020 and has seen steady maintenance since its launch. Lots of great projects here! ALAN DESCOINS


https://github.com/tiangolo/typer 用于写命令行脚本的,还是很优雅的

https://github.com/willmcgugan/rich 终端花里胡哨集大成者

https://github.com/hoffstadt/DearPyGui 每个gui我都mark一下,有机会用一下

https://github.com/onelivesleft/PrettyErrors 把错误异常栈显示的更易读,也挺好

https://github.com/mingrammer/diagrams 画简易的说明图的,感觉也还好


2020 Real Python Articles in Review
It’s been quite the year! The Real Python team has written, edited, curated, illustrated, and produced a mountain of Python articles this year. This year-end wrap-up shares a collection of articles that showcase a diversity of Python topics. REAL PYTHON

这个网站有点酷炫啊 https://www.visualsource.net/repo/github.com/python/cpython


NumPy Illustrated: The Visual Guide to NumPy
This illustrated guide to NumPy is a great way to learn NumPy or brush up on the package. Full of great visual aides, this tutorial covers all the basics and more! LEV MAXIMOV

有点累 不看了


The Zen of Python: A Most in Depth Article
Claiming to be “the most in-depth article about the Zen of Python,” this post covers the history of the Zen as told through comments from Guido van Rossum, Tim Peters, Barry Warsaw, and other Python heavyweights. ABDUR-RAHMAAN JANHANGEER



Web Authentication Methods Compared
Take a look at commonly used methods for handling web authentication for Python web development including the pros and cons of each method. You’ll see how to apply different methods to the Flask, Django, and FastAPI frameworks. AMAL SHAJI • Shared by Amal Shaji




session。每次登录不用重新认证,但是需要服务端存储session key,而且无法抵抗CSRF攻击,CSRF可以参考https://tech.meituan.com/2018/10/11/fe-security-csrf.html


Issue #454 Ditching Excel for Python, How Python Attributes Work, IP Addresses in Python, and More Jan. 5, 2021


Python Is TIOBE’s Programming Language of 2020
For the fourth time, Python has won TIOBE’s Programming Language of the Year award. The award goes to the programming language that has gained the most popularity in one year, with Python rising by 2.01% in 2020. TIOBE.COM



Python Behind the Scenes: How Python Attributes Work
Take a deep dive into how Python attributes work, including a detailed analysis of the CPython code. VICTOR SKVORTSOV

这个系列水平非常高,留着之后一起从头好好看 https://tenthousandmeters.com/tag/python-behind-the-scenes/


SciPy 1.6.0 Released



PEP 648: Extensible Customizations of the Interpreter at Startup
Did you know you can customize the Python interpreter and even tell it to execute code at startup time? The current system for implementing these customizations is a bit dated, and this PEP proposes a change that brings a lot more flexibility and extensibility to this little-known feature. MARIO CORCHERO



Python’s .append(): Add Items to Your Lists in Place
Learn how Python’s .append() works and how to use it for adding items to your list in place. You’ll also learn how to code your own stacks and queues using .append() and .pop(). REAL PYTHON

挺好 没看…

Issue #455 Pythonic Exercises, FastAPI App Structure, Data Visualization With Dash, and More Jan. 12, 2021


NumPy Tutorial: Your First Steps Into Data Science in Python
Learn everything you need to know to get up and running with NumPy, Python’s de facto standard for multidimensional data arrays. NumPy is the foundation for most data science in Python, so if you’re interested in that field, then this is a great place to start. REAL PYTHON



Anaconda Is Not Free for Commercial Use (Anymore)?
Anaconda’s CEO responds on the thread: “At this time, there is no prohibition on using Anaconda Individual Edition in a small-scale commercial setting like yours.” Related discussion on Twitter. REDDIT



Best IDE for Python
“Right now I am using the standard Python IDLE. I am new to Python and want something better. I have seen a few but they all look too complicated.” REDDIT



Hacking QR Code Design
“How to create QR codes that look like anything by inverting the QR creation process.” (Python source code included.) MARIEN RAAT

https://my-qr.art/editor/ 一般吧


funct: Like a Python List but Better

这个like a python list but better的介绍挺好,一句话就说明白自己是什么哪里好了。项目倒是一般,感觉有点强行

Issue #456 Automating Excel, Tracing the Python GIL, Python for Non-Developers, and More Jan. 19, 2021


Tracing the Python GIL
Learn how to trace and visualize the GIL, how the GIL affects performance, and how you use this information to write higher performance Python code. MAARTEN BREDDELS



Python Changed the Way I Think
Has learning to code influenced how you think about other things in your life? REDDIT



Issue #457 Unravelling "for" Statements, Understanding Memory Crashes, Virtualenv Alternatives, and More Jan. 26, 2021


You Don’t Really Need a Virtualenv
Virtual environments are a staple of the Python world, but they aren’t without their drawbacks. Learn why virtual environments aren’t always the right solutions and how to get around them without sacrificing dependency isolation. FROST MING • Shared by Frost Ming

说半天说的挺热闹,pep还是draft,github 300star咋让人敢用


C for Python Programmers
In this tutorial, you’ll learn the basics of the C language, which is used in the source code for CPython, the most popular Python implementation. Learning C is important for Python programmers interested in contributing to CPython. REAL PYTHON



Using Environment Variables in Python for App Configuration
Learn how to use environment variables to configure your Python applications. You’ll see why using environment variables makes sense, as well as how to read, write, and delete environment variables using Python. RYAN BLUNDEN • Shared by Ryan Blunden



Getting Started With the Raspberry Pi Pico Using MicroPython and C
Learn how to set-up the new Raspberry Pi Pico and get up and running with a program that blinks an LED using MicroPython and C. JEAN-LUC AUFRANC


Issue #458 pandas Memory Explosions, Python Performance, a Case Against OOP, and More Feb. 2, 2021


Visualize and Optimize Your Python App Performance With Datadog APM
Datadog APM generates detailed flame graphs from real requests so you can see which services or calls are generating errors or contributing to overall latency. Dive deeper into your production code with an always-on code profiler to troubleshoot. Start monitoring your applications with a free trial → DATADOGSPONSOR

没用 感觉还行吧


Python Web Applications: Deploy Your Script as a Flask App
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to go from a local Python script to a fully deployed Flask web application that you can share with the world. REAL PYTHON



OO in Python Is Mostly Pointless
Is object-oriented programming a pointless paradigm? Maybe, maybe not. But it’s worth considering alternatives when deciding how to write your code. Read the article for an argument against OOP and then follow the Hacker News discussion for the debate. LEON TROLSKI OPINION



Issue #459 Python Integers Deep Dive, Friendly Tracebacks, Property-Based Testing, and More Feb. 9, 2021


How Python Integers Work
Python’s integer datatype is pretty different from most other languages because they allow arbitrary precision. Learn how integers work under the hood in this in-depth article. VICTOR

牛逼 又是这个系列


Python’s Tug of War Between Beginner-Friendly Features and Support for Advanced Users
Python has made some big improvements to tracebacks in recent versions. See how tracebacks have evolved over the last couple of major releases and where there’s still some work left to be done. Check out the discussion on Hacker News. ANDRÉ ROBERGE



Property-Based Testing With hypothesis, and Associated Use Cases
Testing software is hard. Property-based testing can help you create more effective tests. Learn how to do property-based testing with the hypothesis framework by looking at some real-world use cases. YING WANG



Inline Caching in Python Is a Success
“In 3.9, access to builtins and globals had sped-up considerably. In 3.10, regular attribute access and access to slots are also faster. Most everyday Python programs will benefit. This is a huge win.” RAYMOND HETTINGER



All Pythons Are Slow, but Some Are Faster Than Others
Python is not the fastest language around, so any performance boost helps, especially if you’re running at scale. It turns out that depending where you install Python from, its performance can vary quite a bit: choosing the wrong version of Python can cut your speed by 10-20%. ITAMAR TURNER-TRAURING


Issue #460 match/case, Mutable Python Strings, Cleaning Text With Pandas, and More Feb. 16, 2021


PEP 634: Structural Pattern Matching (match/case)
A few links related to PEP 634, which will add structural pattern matching to Python via a new match/case statement: PEP 634 (Specification), PEP 635 (Motivation and Rationale), PEP 636 (Tutorial & Examples) PYTHON.ORG

看了好几次了 终于accept了



The New match/case Statement Has People Talking
Numerous people opine on Twitter about the new match/case statement expected in Python 3.10. While some folks welcome the powerful new syntax, others lament the syntax bloat and potential for confusion they see in the new feature. RUSSELL KEITH-MAGEE & BRANDON RHODES



Pattern Matching Accepted for Python
Discussion of last week’s acceptance of PEP 634. HACKER NEWS

