

Issue #361 Python Threading, CPython 3.7.3 Is Out, Django Tips, and More March 26, 2019


Intro to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python Learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python and how to work with classes, objects, and constructors. REAL PYTHON VIDEO

2019/11/10 7:53 内容一般,但是这个realpython的界面是真好看


Issue #362 Python Interview Tips, Lots of Django News, and More April 2, 2019


A Look at Python, Parameterized
Detailed article that explores the application of parameterization in Python and how it relates to mainstream design patterns such as dependency injection, strategy, template method, and others. LUKE PLANT • Shared by Luke Plant

在Python中,一切都是对象,这让函数的参数化变的非常舒服。此外全局变量是不好的 http://wiki.c2.com/?GlobalVariablesAreBad


Private Methods in Python ;-)



Monkey Patching in Python: Explained With Examples In this post, you’ll learn about monkey patching, that is, how to dynamically update code behavior at runtime. Also includes some useful examples of monkey patching in Python. SHYAMA SANKAR

2019/11/10 8:23 monkey patch 在运行过程中动态改变代码 可以看看https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/37679547了解monkey patch


Working With JSON Data in Python
Learn how to work with Python’s built-in json module to serialize the data in your programs into JSON format. Then, you’ll deserialize some JSON from an online API and convert it into Python objects. REAL PYTHON VIDEO

2019/11/10 8:22 json模块的用法


Sorting Algorithms in Python
A look at popular sorting algorithms, how they work, and how they can be coded in Python. MARCUS SANATAN

2019/11/10 8:22 常用排序算法的实现

Issue #363 PEP 570 Accepted, Idiomatic Pandas, Imports Profiling, and More April 9, 2019


Parallel Computation in Python With Dask
Dask is a library that scales Python computation to multiple cores or multiple machines. Setups running Dask on thousands of machines are not unheard of. This short article gives you a couple of usage examples. MOSHE ZADKA


Issue #364 Python Concurrency, Black Holes, a 111 LOC Chess Engine in Python, and More April 16, 2019


Just Found the Best Python Book…Cover
(Potentially not safe for work) REDDIT




LSTMs for Human Activity Recognition
An example of using TensorFlow for Human Activity Recognition (HAR) on a smartphone data set in order to classify types of movement, e.g. “walking”, “sitting”, “standing” etc. GUILLAUME CHEVALIER


Issue #365 Requests v3, Python Learning Paths, Flask vs Django, and More April 23, 2019


How to Work With a PDF in Python
In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to work with PDF files in Python. You’ll see how to extract metadata from preexisting PDFs . You’ll also learn how to merge, split, watermark, and rotate pages in PDFs using Python and PyPDF2. REAL PYTHON


2019/11/10 9:09 生成热力图,咋感觉复杂度有点高

Issue #366 PyCon, Python Adware, GeoDjango, and More April 30, 2019


Python dis Module and Constant Folding
Why is pow(3, 89) slower than 3 ** 89? Quick article looking at the dis module and when CPython’s constant folding kicks in. PYTHONTIPS.COM • Shared by Jim Anderson

2019/11/10 9:12 使用dis模块来debug Python代码

Issue #367 PyPI Sustainability, #PyCon2019, Why Guido Stepped Down, and More May 7, 2019


Guido Says Social Media Played a Part in His Decision to Step Down as BDFL
“I did not enjoy at all when the central developers were sending me hints on Twitter questioning my authority and the wisdom of my decisions, instead of telling me in my face and having an honest debate about things.” TFIR.IO • Shared by revyuh.com VIDEO

img_45.png guido的采访,辞去“仁慈的独裁者”


Building a RESTful API with Flask
“In this tutorial, we’ll be learning and creating RESTful APIs with Flask. To follow along with this tutorial, you should already have a good grasp of Python, Flask, and SQLAlchemy.” SHAJIA ABIDI • Shared by Shajia Abidi


Issue #368 CPython 3.8a4, GIL News, Recording Audio With Python, and More May 14, 2019


Python Dicts and Memory Usage

内存管理 img_47.png

2019/11/10 9:57 一个好用的数据可视化库 https://github.com/altair-viz/altair

Issue #369 Bokeh for Data Viz, PEP 581, Leaking Batteries, and More May 21, 2019


PEP 581 Accepted (Using GitHub Issues for CPython)
CPython’s issue tracker will be migrated from Roundup to GitHub issues. PYTHON.ORG



Structuring Your Python Project
“Which functions should go into which modules? How does data flow through the project? What features and functions can be grouped together and isolated? By answering questions like these you can begin to plan, in a broad sense, what your finished product will look like.” PYTHON-GUIDE.ORG

2019/11/10 11:32 感觉挺好的,不过太长了没看


New Features Planned for Python 4.0 (Satire)
“All new libraries and standard lib modules must include the phrase “for humans” somewhere in their title.” “Type-hinting has been extended to provide even fewer tangible benefits. This new and “nerfed” type hinting will be called type whispering.” CHARLES LEIFE

Python4的特性已经安排上了 img_48.png 我尼玛??? 还是没有switch Python的Packing问题没有任何进展,顶你个肺

Issue #370 Translating Math into Python Code, PEP 594, Logging, and More May 28, 2019


import-x: Import Anything Like It Is a Python Module

2019/11/10 11:21 没看明白是干啥用的

2019/11/10 11:20 处理视频的库,demo给了一个目标检测例子
