

Issue #211: Python 3 Weekly dose of all things Python.

How to build a CRUD application using Flask (Python Framework) Part 2
Part two of a pretty good series to get you started building a simple CRUD application with the Flask web framework. medium.com Shared by @mgrouchy


Issue #212: Late Weekly dose of all things Python.

Understanding the Math Behind FP: The Monads
Another good touch on FP with Python this time monads. github.io Shared by @myusuf3

没看懂 没看

Issue #213: Socks and Sandals Weekly dose of all things Python.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS released with Python 3.5 as standard, rather than Pyhon 2.7!
reddit.com Shared by @mgrouchy


Source code of a Python lambda
In this post, the author goes deep down the rabbit hole to inspect the source of a Python lambda. xion.io Shared by @mgrouchy


Issue #214: VIEWS Weekly dose of all things Python.

Delete Your Dead Code!
Use Coverage.py to detect dead code, then clean it up! late.am Shared by @mgrouchy


How to Loop With Indexes in Python
Seems straight forward but lots of options here, learn about different loop types in Python and how to use them with indexes. treyhunner.com Shared by @mgrouchy


Issue #215: More Bots. Weekly dose of all things Python.

How to make your script better
reddit.com Shared by @myusuf3

http://blog.manugarri.com/how-to-make-your-script-2x-better/ 很小的一点

Issue #216: Thunder Weekly dose of all things Python.

What is your favorite Python error message? : Python
my personal favourite. func() takes exactly 2 arguments (2 given) reddit.com Shared by @myusuf3



Writing C in Cython
No more explanation necessary here! spacy.io Shared by @mgrouchy


How to debug 3rd party libraries
Are you using some 3rd party libraries in your Python project? Learn how to debug issues that might arise with those 3rd party libraries with this article. controlfd.com Shared by @mgrouchy


Python's unittest
assertTrue is truthy, assertFalse is falsy. To be or not to be. jamescooke.info Shared by @myusuf3


Issue #217: I/O Weekly dose of all things Python.

Import C++ files directly from Python!
reddit.com Shared by @myusuf3


Make some ascii art. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy


A Python Ate My GUI
Thoughts on the future of Python and graphical interfaces. medium.com Shared by @mgrouchy

哦偶 打不开了

Issue #218: Pyston Your weekly dose of all things Python.

What I dislike about Python
reddit.com Shared by @mgrouchy


Issue #219: Book Your weekly dose of all things Python.

The Python that speaks Whale
Using docker-py to interact with containers. medium.com Shared by @mgrouchy


Good logging practice in Python
Introduction to Logging in Python. victorlin.me Shared by @myusuf3


Issue #220: Golden State Your weekly dose of all things Python.

Best documented projects?
reddit.com Shared by @mgrouchy

