Issue #131: One Point Seven Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
A command line tool to easy unarchive archives in many formats such as .7Zip, .Zip, .rar, .tar, .bz2 and others. github.com
Shared by @mgrouchy
Taking Time with Delorean
Tutorial of how to manipulate Time's in Python with the Delorean library. pythonlibrary.org
Shared by @mgrouchy
API Testing: Quick, Dirty, and Automated
Shared by @mgrouchy
Issue #132: Apple (苹果) Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
Building a text editor with PyQt: Part 2
This is part two of building a text editor with PyQT. Let's be honest we have all thought about this! binpress.com
Shared by @alexissantos
Issue #133: iPhone 6 Plus Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
Why is int() slower than float() when converting a string?
reddit.com Shared by @myusuf3
float默认就去flaot base10的数,int要先判断一下是什么类型
Python Single Line For Loops
Nice introduction to list comprehensions here for the new Python programmer. teamtreehouse.com Shared by @mgrouchy
Guido van Rossum On Finding His Way
The Python creator and Dropbox engineer reflects on his early days in programming. medium.com Shared by @myusuf3
Issue #134: JSONB Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
How To Migrate 50M+ Records From Mongo To PostgreSQL
Small introduction how gevent works for jobs of this type and summary on how the migration actually happened. Would have loved to hear reasons for migration between the two databases. plug.dj
Shared by @myusuf3
Issue #135: Uptime Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
Maybe in Python
Shared by @myusuf3
the page is missing
Issue #136: Legend Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
Tool to parse log files and generate metrics for Graphite and Ganglia. github.com
Shared by @mgrouchy
Catching the bus to class with Python
Telling when the next bus is coming in London using the Transport for London API and Python. danielforsyth.me
Shared by @mgrouchy
Issue #137: RPython Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
In Python, it's all about the attributes
Very detailed post about attributes in Python. Good read! lerner.co.il
Shared by @mgrouchy
Issue #138: Strong Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
A forum software written in Flask. github.com
Shared by @myusuf3
Video Streaming with Flask
Detailed tutorial for Streaming video via your webcam with Flask. miguelgrinberg.com
Shared by @mgrouchy
Issue #139: Hero Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
Kickstarting Flask on Ubuntu - Setup and Deployment
Getting it Started. realpython.com
Shared by @rochacbruno
Issue #140: Tweet Weekly dose of all things Python.¶
db.py is an easier way to interact with your databases, check out release article in news section! github.com
Shared by @myusuf3