

Issue #111: Eggs Weekly dose of all things Python.

Deep dive into Python's VM: Story of LOAD_CONST bug
Very cool post about exploiting a bug in Python's VM to execute native code.
Shared by @mgrouchy

通过hack cpython的代码搞些花里胡哨的东西

Issue #112: SpaceX Weekly dose of all things Python.

When using eval isn't evil (or stupid)
Only a little about eval here, but a clever trick to test methods are invoked correctly to produce a useful error to the user, rather then a generic TypeError which also in this particular case notify the dev team incorrectly. onefinestay.com
Shared by @szotten


Using Flask Cache
Flask does not have built-in cache functionality but this article will get you started with using the flask-cache plugin to provide Cache functionality for your Flask application. brunorocha.org
Shared by @mgrouchy


Issue #113: Friday Weekly dose of all things Python.

Python Data Structures are Fast
Nice article that some of you may find illuminating, with respect where certain speed ups and loses may actually occur in Python data structures. matthewrocklin.com
Shared by @myusuf3

Sorry this page does not exist =(

Issue #114: Jadeveon Clowney Weekly dose of all things Python.

The Light and Dark Sides of Python Name Binding
Pretty cool dive into python name binding! Tons of mind cool stuff to take advantage of for good and/or evil! excess.org
Shared by @myusuf3


Issue #115: Onomatopoeia Weekly dose of all things Python.

Which Python projects do you see as the "Gold Standard"?
Shared by @mgrouchy


Why Python is Slow: Looking Under the Hood
While Python can most of the time be "Fast Enough", Python certainly can be slow when compared to languages like C and Fortran. In this post the author dives into the reasons why Python is slow. github.io
Shared by @mgrouchy


Issue #116: Future Past Weekly dose of all things Python.

Chin Up is a personal motivation tracker, very cool for the quantified selfers out there. github.com
Shared by @ckcollab


Issue #117: 3 > 2 Weekly dose of all things Python.

How keep Python 3 moving forward
Python core developer Brett Cannon gives his thoughts on how to keep Python 3 moving forward and what to do today if you are blocked on Porting your Python apps/libraries due to dependencies. svbtle.com
Shared by @mgrouchy

Time Flies So Fast

Why you should give PonyORM a chance
Some explanation why you should give the new ORM on the block PonyORM a chance.
Shared by @mgrouchy


Using Mocks in Python
Extensive introduction to mock library in Python with tons of examples. If you are looking to learn a few things about mock this article is a good resource. drdobbs.com
Shared by @myusuf3


Issue #118: Pandas Weekly dose of all things Python.

Why isn't Python most used Language in Big Corporations?
Shared by @mgrouchy


Why is type checking not "pythonic"?
Shared by @myusuf3



Issue #119: World Cup Weekly dose of all things Python.

A command-line interface to the Python Package Index (PyPI). Get package info, download statistics, and more. I would love to see something like a dependency graph, like what libraries does flask depend on? github.com
Shared by @myusuf3


Issue #120: 0x78 Weekly dose of all things Python.

Celery Best Practices
A few tips for you beginner celery users out there. denibertovic.com Shared by @myusuf3

