

Issue #41: datetime. Friday, November 23rd, 2012

Which is more pythonic? (reddit.com)

explicit is better

Most pythonic way to duplicate a dictionary and add/change certain keys. (reddit.com)


A Guide to Python's Magic Methods
(rafekettler.com) Ever wonder what all the Magic methods like __dir__ and __repr__ do in Python. If so check out this exhaustive guide to all of Python’s magic methods with some nice code examples and detailed explanations.

Issue #42: Redesign* Friday, November 30th, 2012

The Great Python.org redesign (jessenoller.com)
Here at Pycoders we think this looks great. As with all things you can’t please everyone but we think this is a great step forward updating Python.org and Python’s other web properties. For more details click the link!


python.org is getting a makeover (reddit.com)



heatmap (github.com)
Python script for generating high quality heat maps based on any coordinate data GPS tracks, eye tracking data. Pretty cool if you want to map some data that can be mapped to a XY coordinate plane.


Issue #43: Set Friday, December 7th, 2012

The Right Way to Internationalize Your Application (wefearchange.org)
Many of fear the day we will have to take our english only application and support other languages. This articles discusses ways to alleviate that fear and avoid the saddening UnicodeEncodeError.


Issue #44: Python for Kids Friday, December 14th, 2012

Better Python API's (github.com)
Cool article about using Python’s dunder methods (methods that begin with double underscore) for implementing better APIs for your custom data types. With great power comes great responsibility.


Issue #45: Happy Holidays Friday, December 21st, 2012

histopy (github.com)
Pretty neat! A this day in history api that pulls data from Wikipedia for their “This day in history” feature.


Adding web sockets to Flask apps (hasenj.org)
Web Sockets are the (sorta)new hotness. Check out this walkthrough to get Web Sockets up and running on your Flask application. The author steps through setting up your basic Flask app, setting up the Socket endpoint and setting up your client to communicate with the server.


Issue #46: New Year Friday, December 28th, 2012

pygchart (github.com)
pygchart is a pretty nice tool for generating the JavaScript code responsible for generating a google charts as well as a HTML snippet using that code so you can get started right away.


Why PyPy is the future of Python (scale-it.pl)


Issue #47: Jobs Friday, January 4th, 2013

Python Increment is weird (emptysquare.net)
This post is about Python’s += operation and about its intended and seemingly unintended side effects. Check out this article as well as part two. They are interesting posts and have some lively discussion surrounding them as well.

这大兄弟说Python中+=操作如果有俩线程同时处理一个变量 可能会导致数据错误,妈的这跟+=有啥关系,所有编程语言都有这个问题啊

Issue #48: Pycoder's Jobs Friday, January 11th, 2013

howdoi (github.com)
Find yourself constantly googling for the simplest programming tasks? howdoi keeps you from flipping to the browser to google your question.


Issue #49: Braces* Friday, January 18th, 2013

Hacking Super Mario Bros. with Python (github.com)
This is pretty amazing article on how versatile python really is. With a few hours to kill Jake decided to scrape super mario roms to make some gifs with actual super mario images with numpy and matplotlib.



Issue #50: Iterators Friday, January 25th, 2013

An Arm Wrestle with Python's Garbage Collector (oyster.com)

