

Issue #21 : One does not simply write a python script. Friday, July 6th, 2012

Python 3’s Marketing Problem (teddziuba.com)
This article hits the nail on the head. Python3 adoption to say the least has been stagnant Ted outlines the reasons why and maybe even a way to combat the issue with the infamous GIL.


Metaclass in Python (agiliq.com)
Over at the Agiliq blog Akshar goes into great detail about Python Metaclasses, how they work and how they are used. If you are interested in learning more about Python Metaclasses, this is an excellent place to start.


Issue #22 : Python Molurus Friday, July 13th, 2012

What's the best tool for creating a GUI with Python? (reddit.com)


Making ctypes Structures beautiful (y4kstudios.com)


Issue #23 : Guido Friday, July 20th, 2012

Python tricks that you can't live without
Audrey co-founder of pyladies gives a talk on tricks everyone should know about python at PyCon Philippines 2012.


Issue #24 : Untitled Friday, July 27th, 2012

With statements got better with Python (h3manth.com)


Issue #25 : Rise Friday, August 3rd, 2012

What was your most clever use of a python script in everyday life? (reddit.com)

python -m http.server

How to Create an Android App and APK on Android with Python (clusterbeep.net)


Issue #26 : Curiosity Friday, August 10th, 2012

Multicore Programming in PyPy and CPython (blogspot.ca)


Issue #27 : Stompy Friday, August 17th, 2012

Namespaces are good vs. Flat is better than nested.


Get Your Flask Apps Up And Running Fast on EC2 (tangents.co)
If you have a Flask app hanging around this might be of interest to you. Quickly get your Flask apps up and running on Amazon EC2.


Issue #28 : Fabric Friday, August 24th, 2012

Easy tracing of nested function calls in Python (thegreenplace.net)
In this article Eli provides a simple decorator to help trace nested function calls in your Python applications.

用Python的装饰器来描述函数的调用顺序,可以清晰的显示调用的次序和结果,还是挺好的 img_6.png

Issue #29 : Memorial Friday, August 31th, 2012

Human.io (human.io)
Quickly write and deploy mobile applications with a simple Python api to either IOS or Android through the Human.io app. This is super cool, click the link to get more info and check out the demo.


Finding the top K items in a list efficiently (stevehanov.ca)
If you are dealing with large datasets or you like hearing about cool algorithms this post will certainly shed some light on using heaps rather than simply working with lists.


Issue #30 : Gevent Friday, September 7th, 2012

What's the coolest thing you've done with SL4A (Python for Android)?


Python dictionary as a class

