

Issue #11 : Turn it Up Friday, April 27th, 2012

Python Iteration (nedbatchelder.com)
This is a short talk for a Boston Python night called "Fundamental Topics." by Ned Batchelder
It's intended to help beginners understand Python at a deeper level and this time he covered Python Iteration.


Issue #12 : Beautiful is Better than Ugly Friday, May 4th, 2012

Lambda Use Cases (reddit.com)
Lambdas in python are a function building tool, often times a developer is at a loss for when you should use them. This discussion focuses on when it’s appropriate to use lambdas and what the common use cases are for them in your Python code.


Where modules go to die. (leancrew.com) This is an interesting article, the basic premise is that the Python standard library is where modules go to die. We don’t want to get too much into the discussion in the article, but it certainly raises some interesting points, give it a read and let us know what you think on twitter.

一个很有趣的观点,就像婚姻是爱情的坟墓一样,python中的标准库也是python包的坟墓。一旦一个包变成了标准库中的一员, 大家就都不愿意再写一个类似功能的模块去和标准库竞争了,这意味着不会有人创造更多好的功能。同时,一旦一个模块变成了标准库, 就会有无数的人和项目去依赖他,哪怕他有BUG,也很难迅速修复

Issue #13 : Explicit is better than implicit. Friday, May 11th, 2012

How can pip and pypi be improved? (reddit.com) This is a great discussion that was sparked by our very own Mahdi on reddit. There are a ton of comments and suggestions here. Have some input, see the thread and leave a comment!


Python and QRCodes (matael.org)
Seems like QR Codes are everywhere these days. This article gives you a nice intro to QR codes then has a pretty simple to follow tutorial of how to produce your own QR Codes using the python qrcode library.


Issue #14 : Simple is better than complex. Friday, May 18th, 2012

Writing Python Daemons(coder.cl)
This article highlights the use of the daemon module in python, and goes through a tutorial for creating your first daemon process in Python.

python 守护进程入门

Python is a Voluntary Language (johndcook.com)
This article starts off describing how python is a voluntary language, most people choose to develop in it. The interesting part of the article crops up towards the end describing how ruby has been affected by growth driven by web development ( ruby on rails) while python stays it course.

人生苦短 我用python

Issue #15 : Readability counts. Friday, May 25th, 2012

Python built-in functions are awesome. Use them! (isbullsh.it)
The reason we love python for its strong built-in functions for doing all kinds of things. This article highlights how the unenlightened would go about doing things vs. people who are builtin aware. Good read.


Issue #16 : Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. Friday, May 25th, 2012

Coming to python from C, Python appreciation (reddit.com)
This is a great discussion around the joys of Python when coming from a background in C. The author posted a snippet of code that became very simple when converting it to Python. The ensuing discussion was a good discussion about more pythonic ways to solve the same problem in the snippet as well as some general discussion around coming to Python from other languages.


Issue #17 : Now is better than never. Friday, June 8th, 2012

Why was PEP-3103 rejected? (reddit.com)
Who knew switch statements were a topic that divided so many people? Pep 3103, inclusion of switch statements,
was rejected and the author of the post asks for the /r/python communities opinion on this. Great discussion.

讨论了为什么pep3103被拒绝了。pep3103提出了swith语句 img_3.png

How to convert decimal numbers to words with Python (pythonlibrary.org)


Flasky Goodness (speakerdeck.com)
These are slides from Kenneth Reitz’s DjangoCon Europe talk entitled Flasky Goodness. This talk is pretty great, it gives a great overview of all the good that the people working on the Flask framework are doing and what Django developers can learn from them when writing applications.


Issue #18 : Complex is better than complicated. Friday, June 15th, 2012

Python shortfalls (reddit.com)
Apparently people have lots of opinions when it comes to Python’s shortcomings. Check it out!

80%的任务可以用python直接就干完了还干得挺好。10%的任务找个第三方库就干的挺好,剩下的10%实在是不适合Python干,也别强求。 不过我感觉这样吐槽Python实在是有点勉强,换个语言我估计都没30%的事是擅长的

__new__() in python (agiliq.com) This is a great article about the __new__ method in Python Classes. The author provides a ton of detail about the use of __new__ and its behaviour. If __new__ was something you always wanted to know about there is lots of great information here.


Issue #19 : Flat is better than nested. Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Never fix a bug twice (lukeplant.me.uk)
This article is an interesting one. It advocates keeping an eye out for themes of issues and eliminate the possibility of the issue rather than testing for the latest symptom.


Issue #20 : Sparse is better than dense. Friday, June 29th, 2012

Inside Python's itertools.tee() (jezng.com)
We love articles like this. Often the Python documentation isn’t it enough, it’s awesome to see developers go really deep into the implementation of something, or how a particular language feature works. That is the case here with the this great breakdown of itertools.tee(), check it out.

